Last update: 17.06.2004
The team
Kick off
The waste
The Plant
June 5th
The System
Final Results

The schedule, July - November

Due to some strategy changes there has been a slight re-scheduling in the project. Also, initially planned terminated in September, the project will now continue until November 15th. The schedule from July to November is as follows.

Domestic Collection
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Final field analysis
Found research
Factory visit
Product spec
Concept development
Pres.: 5 concepts
Detailing - one concept
Final presentation
Product introduction
Final editing

  Important short-term dates and tasks
August 9th:
Present results from founding / sponsor investigation and plan for factory visit(s) at relevant production facilities.
August 16th:
Present final product specification. The spec should be based on the user analysis and the system analysis performed.
September 6th:
Present results from the concept development face. 5 different system solutions, drawings and models. Solutions should be detailed to a fully evaluable level.

Transport: Loading Equipment + New Routes
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Final analysis
Product spec
Concept development
Scale models
Pres.: 5 concepts
Detailing - one concept
Pres.: Final concept
Production, prototype
Product introduction
Final editing

Final route analysis
Alternative routes
Introduction strategy
Material development
Testing & Modification

  Important short-term dates and tasks
August 9th:
Present results from the route analysis, complete route overview.
Present vital results from the analysis of loading procedure.
August 16th:
Present product specification (loading equipment). The spec should be based on the analysis performed.
September 6th:
Present results from the concept development face for the loading equipment. 5 different product solutions, drawings and models. Solutions should be detailed to a fully evaluable level.
collection and Information Centre
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Final field analysis
Project specification
Re-sell investigation
Functionality brainstorm
User needs specification
Flow & logistics
Layout development
Scale models
Pres.: 2 programmes
Detailing 1 programme
Information strategy
Graphic production
Final editing
  Important short-term dates and tasks
August 9th:
Present project definition and final goals. Present results from re-sell investigation (materials, prices, quality specifications, logistics, i.e.).
August 16th:
Present results from functionality brainstorm (i.e.: What functions could such a centre consist of?))
September 6th:
Present results from the concept development face. Two different concepts, adapted to a sequential 5-step development process.